Divine jealousy is thus a zeal to protect a love relationship or to avenge it when it is broken. Jealousy in God is that passionate energy by which He is provoked and stirred and moved to take action against whatever or whoever stands in the way of His enjoyment of what He loves and desires. The intensity if God’s anger at threats to this relationship is directly proportionate to the depths of His love… Jealousy in God is not a “green-eyed monster” but a “red-faced lover” who will brook no rivals in His relationship with His people.
Sam Storms
Pleasures Evermore: The Life-Changing Power of Knowing God
(NavPress – www.navpress.org, 2000), 295
“Trouble and anguish have come upon me, yet Your commandments are my delight. Your testimonies are righteous forever; give me understanding that I may live.” Psalm 119:143-144
Anguish is the inward response to trouble. For those with a balanced perspective, anguish is reserved for extreme circumstances. The Hebrew word used is derived from the word for a narrow place. Therefore, in this context, the connotation is a place of confinement or disability. That’s exactly what anguish does to us mentally; it makes us feel hemmed in and incapacitated. It is both suffocating and immobilizing. Even so, the writer of Psalm 119 expresses delight in God’s commands when faced with trials. While at first blush it may seem odd to experience both anguish and delight in the same circumstance, as Christians, there are several reasons to be delighted in dire situations.
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Suffering is unbearable if you aren’t certain that God is for you and with you.
“Trouble and anguish have come upon me, yet Your commandments are my delight. Your testimonies are righteous forever; give me understanding that I may live.” Psalm 119:143-144
Trouble…it seems like a simple enough word to understand. However, when looking at definitions from secular sources, those provided were vague and had more to do with how trouble affects our comfort level or convenience rather than anything significant. In contrast, “Vine’s Bible Dictionary” states it clearly as: tribulation or affliction. Trouble comes in many forms. At times it is the result of a personal attack while at other times it is and “random”/general attack that we’re caught in. It may be an external threat or an internal one such as mental or physical illness. The point is that, as those living in a fallen world, we are going to experience trouble throughout our lives from the trivial to the monumental. We will enjoy a more peaceful existence if we learn to view it as God does and trust that He is ever faithful to care for us. One of the mental hurdles for us is that from our perspective, God’s care for us appears to be inconsistent.
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All our difficulties are only platforms for the manifestations of His grace, power and love.
Faith upholds a Christian under all trials, by assuring him that every painful dispensation is under the direction of his Lord; that chastisements are a token of His love; that the season, measure, and continuance of his sufferings, are appointed by Infinite Wisdom, and designed to work for his everlasting good; and that grace and strength shall be afforded him, according to his need.
“The bowl of flour was not exhausted nor did the jar of oil become empty, according to the word of the Lord which He spoke through Elijah.” 1 Kings 17:16
The passage above is from the story of Elijah and the widow in Zarephath. God sent Elijah to this particular widow for provision during a drought. When he asked for bread, she replied that she only had enough oil and flour to make bread for her and her son one last time and then they expected to die. Elijah asked her to feed him first promising that her provisions would not be exhausted. She obeyed and her meager provisions lasted until the rain returned. (You can read the whole story here. (www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Kings+17%3A7-16&version=NASB)
I think of this story often as it has been associated in my mind with anything that is running out. About the time I’m tempted to throw out the shampoo bottle or tube of tooth paste that has very little left, I think of this story. More times than not when I’ve resisted that urge, the bottle, tube or whatever has lasted much longer than I expected. Case in point, the hair gel that I am currently using has lasted three weeks longer than anticipated. I trust that the Holy Spirit has made this connection in my mind to remind me that I am dependent on God for all things and that He will supply my needs. It is subtle but effective. At times God provides in great way, but most often He provides just enough at just the right time in a subtle fashion.
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We can be certain that God will give us the strength and resources we need to live through any situation in life that he ordains. The will of God will never take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows.” Psalm 23:4-5
The past couple of weeks I spent some time with my mother-in-law helping take care of some things around her home. On the long drive there and back I listened to two sermons from Ligonier Ministries…in fact, I listened to them twice. The second, “All Scripture is Profitable” (https://www.ligonier.org/blog/believing-god-new-teaching-series-rc-sproul-jr/) was by R. C. Sproul, Jr. which brought up the concept of whether our cup is half full or half empty. As this is a subject close to my heart, I spent a fair amount of time on the trip considering this topic. Like the phrase “cup half empty or half full”, the word cup in scripture has a figurative meaning that refers to one’s lot in life whether sorrowful (half empty) or joyous (half full). Like many, if I ponder my life without God, I would have to conclude that it is half empty for I have accumulated 60 plus years of losses, trials and ordeals. However, when I consider my life’s experiences in light of God’s involvement, I see a different outcome. What was half empty becomes half full by God’s grace. Let me walk through a few “for instances”.
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To learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings.