Good vs Bad

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.”  Genesis 50:20

When starting a new support group, I ask participants to define a few words.  Two of those words are good and bad.  A quick google search provided me with the following:  good – “to be desired or approved of”; bad – “of poor quality; inferior or defective” and “not such as to be hoped for or desired; unpleasant or unwelcome”.  The synonyms are more direct with words like healthy, fine, sound, fit, robust, sturdy, strong, and vigorous versus substandard, poor, inferior, unsatisfactory, inadequate, unacceptable, imperfect, defective, faulty, and miserable.  These are consistent with most participants’ responses.  Admittedly, for a significant portion of my life, I would have agreed with these definitions.   However, God has brought me to the place where I understand that, in our haste to categorize, we are often missing two key components: complete information and perspective.  Specifically we often lack all of the finer details and regularly forget the eternal perspective which can significantly change our overall view of any given condition, situation or trial.  In that light, my health may be substandard, poor and inferior, but I would not classify my situation bad.

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Our Temples Revisited

“They assembled their brothers, consecrated themselves, and went in to cleanse the house of the Lord, according to the commandment of the king by the words of the Lord.” 2 Chronicles 29:15

It’s February and for this month I’m doing a “best of” series to allow time for me to update the website, get ahead on some writing and spend some time on my soul.  In a sense these plans are a type of resolution.  By now some people are still pressing on with New Year’s resolutions, some are faltering, and still others have given up.  Resolutions vary widely but common ones are getting organized, taking better care of their bodies, overcoming bad habits and seeking better attitudes in the New Year.  Some are successful while others are not.  The difference is diligence and fortitude.

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No one enjoys feeling weak, whether it is emotionally, spiritually or physically. There is something within the human spirit that wants to resist the thought of weakness. Many times this is nothing more than our human pride at work. Just as weakness carries a great potential for strength, pride carries an equally great potential for defeat.

Charles Stanley

He Gives Strength

“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired.  His understanding is inscrutable.  He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power.” Isaiah 40:28-29

Tasks that I wanted to complete yesterday, or at least start in a substantial way, got transferred to today as I just couldn’t function anymore.  Acknowledging my weakness, I went to bed in an attempt to get rested and start early today.  That didn’t happen either as my body demanded more rest than I had allotted time for.  Needless to say, I have felt that I was behind and thoroughly depleted all day.  Strength is one of those things that we take for granted when we have it, but causes great frustration when it’s lacking.  However it’s not just physical strength…sometimes we need the strength meet a need or change a habit or maybe we need the spiritual strength to live the life to which God has called us.  Whether we are trying to live a life that honors our Lord, overcome a challenge in our life, or just get through the day, strength is often a pivotal factor that determines how successful we are.

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Your Consolations Delight My Soul

“If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have dwelt in the abode of silence.  If I should say, ‘My foot has slipped,’ Your lovingkindness, O Lord, will hold me up.  When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.”  Psalm 94:17-19

I was preparing to go to yet another funeral this morning and was looking for peace within my own heart.  In this case, it was not a close friend, but rather the husband of someone I admire and have great affection for.  His widow is a dear soul and a godly woman who has been so kind to me that I ache for her.  We also have various connections with some of her children through church and business dealings.  In fact, her son is one of the morticians that helped with both of my parents’ funerals.  In short they are a family that I have great respect for as they regularly exhibit both kindness and integrity.  With that on my mind as I spent time with God this morning, He brought Psalm 94 to me…or more specifically, verse 19 and reminded me that this is one of those times to trust Him to be all that we need.  While the context of the psalm speaks to “evil doers”, the basic message still applies to all of our circumstances.  Consider each verse carefully.

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Best Laid Plans

“The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.”  Proverbs 16:9

You may have noticed that I usually post scripture during the week that coincides with the theme of the post.  That is not the case this week as this isn’t the post that I planned to publish. My body is just too exhausted and my brain is just too foggy to pull that one together.  Ironically it is about strength and I currently have none.  Consequently, this will be more brief than usual and may be a bit of a repeat from this summer’s posts, but it is what God has put on my heart today in various ways.

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Renewal is rooted in faith, not in resolutions! They are made for New Year’s and forgotten on an average of thirteen days later, say the surveys. Faith is the result of a decision about Christ. I cannot make a new me or a new you, but Christ can make you new and me new, as well, if we decide for Him.

Frank Harrington


“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”  Romans 12:2

My wife and I went to the gym on New Year’s Day to work off some of the holiday calories.  While there, I observed the eclectic mix of people.  There were familiar folks who, like me, are there on a regular basis; there were some who, like my wife, are less regular due to a busy schedule and used the holiday as an opportunity to get in a good workout; and then there were those who were clearly new to the gym, but who have most likely decided to try to exercise more in 2018.  After all, it is that time of year for resolutions.  We see the New Year as a time to start fresh and seek to improve our lifestyle in various ways.  However the success achieved will depend on the driving force behind the desire for change.  As Christians we’re called to daily renewal and transformation so that we live in a manner that is honoring to God and a blessing to us…it is a better way and a way to flourish.  No matter what changes we seek to make in our lives, for us to accomplish our goals or to simply live well, we need to maintain our focus in three areas:  our renewal must be God centered, we must be engaged and we must maintain a proper attitude.

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If this is to be a Happy New Year, a year of usefulness, a year in which we shall live to make this earth better, it is because God will direct our pathway. How important then, to feel our dependence upon Him!

Matthew Simpson

Peace of Christmas

“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.”  Isaiah 9:6

The passage above is a familiar one…especially at this time of year.  I have heard and seen it more than a few times in the past month; have you as well?   As much as you’ve heard it, have you allowed it to pierce your soul and impact your sense of wellbeing?  In other words, is Christ really your Prince of Peace and are you at peace within your soul?  I can honestly say that I have been for the past few days.  Maybe it’s a bit of maturity, maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been dwelling on this topic or maybe it is simply Christ at work…I suspect that it is mostly the latter.  In the past 72 hours I have had a minor fender bender (I tapped our older daughter’s car pulling out of the garage), learned that family circumstances may be changing that will impact our family’s ease in gathering together, endured more severe symptoms of my health issues due to the holiday celebrations and have had a delay in preparing this post, yet my heart is at peace.  Though historically unusual for me, it is not entirely unexpected as I’ve been trying to be intentional in applying the things I learn while writing to my own life.   While it’s easy to glide over these names of Christ, are they not a summary of the source of our peace?

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