The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
As we study scripture, we learn about God. It is one thing to intellectually understand God’s faithfulness, His promises, His character, the sacrifice and intercession of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, etc.; however, it is something altogether different to experience them. Knowing that Christ died for our sins does not save us…it is accepting His atoning work on our behalf that provides salvation. Similarly, knowing about God intellectually does not develop a relationship with Him. Rather, it is through reliance on Him throughout our life experiences, recognizing His work in our lives, and seeking to live for Him alone that we develop a relationship. It is experiencing God that takes us from an intellectual understanding to a relationship that allows us to mature in faith. Further, when we acknowledge God at work in our own lives, we provide edification and encouragement to others. To experience God and not share that fact with fellow believers would be remiss. Consequently this week’s post is about testifying to God’s faithfulness as an experience.
If you have been following my recent posts, you are aware that I will be traveling soon. In fact, for the next seven weeks I will be traveling or have responsibilities that will prevent me from doing much around our home. In that light, I am desperately trying to get things in order before I leave. I am also trying to fulfill my responsibilities to my wife, my family and those who read this blog. Somewhere in that mix I need to pace myself and take care of my body to avoid a major physical shutdown. The mix has certainly been a challenge, yet God has been most gracious and faithful.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
Last night I was exhausted after a day of yardwork. While the bulk of the post for the week had been written, it needed major editing. My plan had been to write in the early afternoon (which I did), work in the yard until early evening, eat dinner and edit. Things just didn’t go that way. By the time I sat down to edit, my mind was incapable of any coherent thought so I went to bed frustrated and uncertain as to how today would go as I had a fairly hectic schedule which included a doctor’s appointment, a fair amount of driving and more yardwork.
I awoke at 4:30 A.M. Not only could I not go back to sleep, but I was alert. While my natural bent is to be an early riser, that has not been the case since my illness has taken over my life. Even when I am up early, I am rarely alert. Thankfully, God permitted me to recognize His hand in this and I was able to edit the post early this morning. While I prefer to have my posts completed and scheduled by Wednesday evening, I was grateful that things were well positioned to publish the post by Thursday evening. This was a major relief. In this, God was faithful as my ever present help in time of need.
The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9
From there, the day proceeded according to schedule, but “the plan” only left me with about two hours to do yard work which really wasn’t enough time to accomplish what I needed to finish for the day. However, again God intervened. Marie’s travel plans changed, our younger daughter agreed to ride home with me and drive Marie’s car to her house, and pick Marie up at the airport. This change in plans and our daughter’s kindness freed my time to do more work in the yard.
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. Ecclesiastes 4:9
I was happily working to meet my gardening goals for the day when my neighbors informed me that it was to rain shortly. Visibly frustrated by this news, Kathy offered to help with my work rather than continue to work on her own yard. Not wanting my frustration to impact her plans, I declined. However she insisted. The post that I published this evening was Help – The Gift of Service. To refuse help would be inconsistent with what I had written. Clearly, it was God undermining my pride and providing the help that I needed. Not only did she help, but when the storms were about to hit, she made sure that I was aware and was wrapping up my outside activities. Finally, she provided my dinner which allowed me to eat better than I had the last few nights in Marie’s absence.
Who satisfies your years with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle. Psalm 103:5
Another blessing was the storm itself. I love storms and enjoyed a very pleasant one. Not only did I enjoy the sound, the smell, and the cool breeze, but I also knew that the rain was watering the plants that I had recently transplanted as well as some that I purchased today. Not only did the storm refresh the earth, but it renewed my soul as well.
As a bonus, by revealing all the ways in which He was helping me today, God provided this post in advance so that I would not stress about trying to write while traveling.
He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Isaiah 40:29
I regularly discuss Christ’s sustaining grace. Again, that too has been felt as I have been able to have more productive hours each day without any apparent ill effects.
For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Hebrews 4:15
Early on, I mentioned the intercession of Christ. That too has been present today. I am a recovering perfectionist prone to anxiety and worry. I try to pace myself, but still struggle trying to get everything done. As a husband, I attempt to take care of as many details before I travel so that Marie does not have a preventable burden while I’m gone. While I could go on with all of the details, chores, and challenges that I face and am trying to cover, my point is that there are more real and perceived tasks on my plate that I can realistically accomplish. Yet I feel that Christ fully understands and has been interceding on my behalf. Today is clear evidence of that fact. Things have gone inexplicably well. In fact, despite being ill, things have gone rather well for the past two to three weeks allowing me to accomplish more than usual. Further, I seem to have had more grace to accept what I could not do which is uncharacteristic for me. I trust that all of these are due to the fact that Christ understands my nature, my desires, my goals and my frustrations and has interceded to allow things to work well preventing unnecessary anxiety.
The LORD opens the eyes of the blind; The LORD raises up those who are bowed down; The LORD loves the righteous. Psalm 146:8
The Holy Spirit has been active as well. I have been struggling to read scripture, engage completely in prayer, and make desired changes in my behaviors to walk more closely with my Lord. All of these have left me feeling a bit uncertain about my standing before God. The events of this day have left me with no doubt that the Holy Spirit too has been interceding in my prayer life and has opened my eyes to see God’s special grace in my life today. There is no other explanation.
For the word of the Lord is upright, and all His work is done in faithfulness. Psalm 33:4
This is longer than intended, but the detail has been provided as evidence that God’s faithfulness, Christ’s intercession and the work of the Holy Spirit are very real. Therefore, here are the salient points. God is true to His word, but we have to exhibit faith and look for His involvement in our lives. There are no coincidences. Christ truly does intercede for and sustain us, but there too, we must trust in Him, wait for His help, and look for the evidence. The Holy Spirit truly does intercede for and guide us, but again we have to believe that He works on our behalf and expect to see that demonstrated in our lives. Finally, when we experience God clearly at work in our lives, we need to testify to His faithfulness to both glorify God and to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Praise God that I have been truly blessed by God’s grace and provision this day. I have felt it and seen it; I pray that it has been an encouragement to you. However, I have been no more blessed today than the many days that I feel abandoned and alone. The key word is “feel”. The reality is that God is just as faithful, Christ is still interceding, and the Holy Spirit is still at work on my behalf…and yours on the dark, dreary and fearful days. It is contrary to God’s nature to be anything less than faithful. Therefore, on those days we rely on our faith and echo the words of David: “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.”