His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” Matthew 25:23
This past weekend, my daughter and I performed the father daughter dance at her wedding reception. It was not flawless, but it was fun and was, by the accounts of others, beautiful and well done. However, those three minutes and thirty-one seconds of dancing were the end result of hours of instruction and practice. Throughout the last few months there was a fair amount of perseverance for both of us. My daughter was juggling work, moving, wedding planning, dance lessons with her husband, and at the end a sinus infection in addition to lessons with me. For my part, the normal responsibilities of life, the extra activity necessary for the wedding preparations as well as getting our home ready for company and the frequent dance lessons caused by body to get too run down. On one occasion my wife and our dance instructor ended a dance lesson shortly after we began because I was too fatigued to function well. The Monday and Tuesday prior to the wedding, I was also struggling to do anything of value. In short, the celebratory dance that was enjoyed was culmination of a fair amount of graceful perseverance. It was a series of choices to take risks and rise above adversity to live well. It was choosing perseverance.
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