“If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have dwelt in the abode of silence. If I should say, ‘My foot has slipped,’ Your lovingkindness, O Lord, will hold me up. When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.” Psalm 94:17-19
I was preparing to go to yet another funeral this morning and was looking for peace within my own heart. In this case, it was not a close friend, but rather the husband of someone I admire and have great affection for. His widow is a dear soul and a godly woman who has been so kind to me that I ache for her. We also have various connections with some of her children through church and business dealings. In fact, her son is one of the morticians that helped with both of my parents’ funerals. In short they are a family that I have great respect for as they regularly exhibit both kindness and integrity. With that on my mind as I spent time with God this morning, He brought Psalm 94 to me…or more specifically, verse 19 and reminded me that this is one of those times to trust Him to be all that we need. While the context of the psalm speaks to “evil doers”, the basic message still applies to all of our circumstances. Consider each verse carefully.
“If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have dwelt in the abode of silence.” There are many stressors in our lives such as: general unrest throughout the world, polarizing political atmospheres, crime in general, persecution of the church, personal attacks, the death of those we love, problems at work or within our families, health issues and the needless administrative complications to name a few. With these and other problems constantly surrounding us and often impacting us in layers, it’s easy for us to lose focus and become so overwhelmed that, if the Lord were not helping us, our souls would surely completely shut down. I know mine would and sometimes comes close. The key here is “if the Lord”. It is God and God alone that sustains the world, our bodies, our minds and our souls. He is in control, ever present, lovingly caring for us and helping us despite how we feel. This is the truth that we must interject to abate that sense of total shut down, revive us and restore peace to our souls.
“If I should say, ‘My foot has slipped’, Your lovingkindness, O Lord, will hold me up.” Note here that there is no assumption that we won’t ever slip, that is to say, that we will never see a crisis. The fact that we live in a fallen world and feel the effects, does not in any way correlate with God’s love for us. In fact, 2 Corinthians 1:5 warns us that the sufferings of Christ will be ours in abundance. When life is difficult or even when it just feels that way, God is there lovingly supporting and strengthening us. It is His promise to us and our confidence. It may not be comfortable or pleasant as He may use it to grow us, mold us or equip us, but not matter what, His love is ever present in every situation and He will sustain us. Ours is to trust in Him alone. While we may have responsibilities with respect to how we handle ourselves and our relationship with Him, our hope is in Him alone, His wisdom and His guidance. Never forget that God is ever ready to lovingly hold you up.
“When my anxious thoughts multiply within me…” As humans we are prone to letting our thoughts and fears get way ahead of the situation. Further, the stress of the situation often so astounds us that our anxious thoughts start reproducing at an exponential level until we are overwhelmed with thoughts that start with “what if”, “how can I possibly”, or “I can’t”. I fully appreciate that circumstances may be exceedingly difficult and that it is a lot to handle, but that is precisely when we need to take action to stop the movement from “what is” to “what might be” by interjecting the truth of God’s word. Psalm 119:49-50 reminds us that God has given us His word as a source of hope and that applying that truth to our circumstances brings comfort. Again, that truth is: He loves us; He provides for us; He sustains us; He strengthens us; He is with us; He will not leave us; He will not forsake us; He will never abandon us; and His plans are to prosper us not to harm us. He loves us. He loves you. Believe it, remember it, and apply it for it does bring comfort.
“Your consolations delight my soul.” This is the part that brought the most peace to my soul this morning. God will send His consolation and it will delight my soul…it will delight your soul. 2 Corinthians 1:3 assures us that God is “the Father of mercies and God of all comfort”; the encouragement of 2 Corinthians 1:5 is that comfort is also ours in abundance through Christ. It may not change our situation, but it will bring peaceful delight and allow us to move forward no matter what we are facing. However, it is one of those things that He allows us to accept or reject. I have known those who refuse to believe, to trust or to accept God’s consolation and in that refusal that become frozen or worse, turn from God. But when we allow God’s prefect peace to invade us and console us, we have the confidence to move ahead in God’s strength; overcome our fears; and allow ourselves not only to be comforted, but to also extend that comfort to others. We not only receive His blessing but become a blessing to others as well.
Fear, frustration and anger are emotions that God gave us and we see exhibited on our Lord during His time on earth, but He handled them without sin by remembering His Father’s promises and turning to the truth of scripture. We do well to follow His example. The circumstances surrounding my own father’s death and funeral were most difficult, but God’s sustaining grace brought me through. I may still have scars from that experience, but I also have a confidence as a result of God’s sustaining grace. I have also endured the deaths of my mother and father-in-law as well as many close relatives and friends, job losses, broken relationships, significant health issues, financial struggles, and spiritual dryness. However, God’s sustaining grace and consolation in each of those situations has birthed a hope within my soul and a confidence in God’s assurances that allow me to turn to Him in every trial and speak the truth to others that He is faithful; He will provide; He will be with you and you will endure and find peace. It may take time and effort, but it will come when we persevere…but it’s a choice. I pray that whatever you are facing today, you are either looking to God for consolation and strength to endure or that you are a messenger of His comfort to those who are hurting…quite often, it may be both.
May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.